Class Policies


  • We take Visa, Mastercard, Checks, and everybody’s favorite – CASH
  • Payment for each new session is due on the first day of class of each new session.
  • The purchase of clay and tools are tracked on the materials clipboard in the wedging room. Please pay for clay and tools at the end of each session.
  • All accounts must be settled by the end of each session.
  • No refunds will be given after the first day of class. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, store credit will be issued
  • When offered a class spot by email or text we will only hold that spot for you for 24 hours before a deposit of $50 must be put down by phone , email or in person.


  • If you are going to miss a class; you must give us at least 24 hours notice. This is so that we can fill that space with someone who needs a make-up. If you do not call, you will not get a make-up – unless there was an emergency.


  • Make-ups are allowed, but in order to get credit for a make-up, you must call at least 24 hours in advance of missing a class, in order that we can fill that space with someone that is owed a make-up. It is the student’s responsibility to call Hands In Clay about space available for a makeup. Please use the schedule of classes and times on the Classes page, so that you can call to check on available spaces.
  • Make-ups are done on an availability basis and are done first come, first serve. If you are having trouble rescheduling a make-up, contact your instructor and we will make every effort in our means to accommodate you
  • Make-ups may not be used as payment for the next session and are not guaranteed.


  • All pottery, clothes, and tools must be picked up and removed no later than 30 days after your last class. 
  • We do not store orphaned pots or tools!